Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Election-09: Are Indian youth leaning towards Right?

After a really long pause, today a feeling of scribbling on Word Document itching on my mind while I’m sitting comfortably in the sunny Bengaluru home after eating nice Idlis with coconut chutney and delicious homemade yogurt (thanks to Amma[mom]) listening to melodious ‘one and only’ Kishore Kumar on the back ground. I wasn’t able to bring my thoughts on paper due to busy schedule of chores and family responsibilities, was like writing an unreadable life blog on the pages of time which is equally enjoyable from different dimensions, if you know what I mean. I’m not sure if at all my ‘ajnathavaasa’ (staying incognito and low profile – refer to epic of MahaBharatha for more information on it) has made any difference to my ever loving audience as the number is too small to even count on the fingers ;-). However, here I’m with my latest “unseen view” for you all to keep me remembering when I’m away after completing my holidays ......... ah, I would like to give you an ‘ashwasane’ (assurance), just like “can’t leave them, can’t live without them“ politicians, that I’ll always be coming up with more “unseen views”. But the truth is, when I say “Hasta la Vista”, it is more later than sooner I’m sure about it.

It is Lok Sabha election time in India, every one irrespective of willingness indulged in election related activity or pushed towards it by known/unknown forces of nature. Most of them would like to exercise their ‘janma siddha hakku’ (the birth right) but there are many individuals stay really unaffected of the election fever. ‘yaak saar sumne time wastu, ella kallare, ivren Desha uddhara maadtare’ (why unnecessarily waste of time, all of them are thieves, they wouldn’t develop Nation) is the common sentence I hear from them. But, I think, we should really be very proud to be a citizen of free and independent Nation having a constitution of its own, and according to that constitution you are allowed to exercise your vote to a candidate you think is the best for raising your concerns in Parliament, although you must be oblivion of the fact that you will be choosing less thief among the group of thieves. Important is, as Lord Krishna said in Geetha, “do your duty and do not worry about the results, leave them to God”, being proud of showing the world that I own my destiny by recommending a representative to work towards it without pressure, external force and neither influence, doing something what your mind tells you, a simple democratic principle although it doesn’t work quite that way in countries like ours due to various reasons which will not be described here as it is not the objective of this view.
As soon as I came here on holidays, I went to Voter Facilitation Centre to get my voter ID card and it was good that I did, I witnessed the enthusiasm of the citizens to get the ID. They were not worried by the long queue, fierce heat & humid weather and impatient/cunning fellow countrymen trying to get past them through by all means; standing quietly there waiting for their turn, coming up with lot of jokes especially on policemen not doing their duty there, telling people to form proper line and not to bypass and go past to the front etc. Luckily my name was there on the register and I also managed to get the nice laughing photo on my voting card. Oh God, yes, I was proud to have owned it to exercise my birth right to choose a less thief among the group of thieves :-D.
One thing I observed in this Election was obvious usage of religion. Although, religion, caste and community always played important role in previous elections, in this election party members were not shy to show that they are the true warriors to protect the people from their fellow religion community. The Nationalist party, BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) is somewhat termed as party for the welfare of Hindus, the Majority among Indians, trying to come to power in any way possible and hence looking at all possible reasons to get public attention including the religion card. So in that sense they should win the Election unanimously as more than 80% of Indian population is of Hindu religion. However, they wouldn’t win Elections because being Hindu has not put Majority people in inconvenience in almost all part of India + local issues top the agenda of local public although it is an election for central government!!!!. But Nationalist party is popular in the region where this Majority community becomes Minority or equal. However, it is most liked party among the city dwellers, educated section and those who think Congress has become authoritarian like early Kingdom where superiority is measured on which family you came from than the how better you think for the development of Nation.
Not deviating from original subject of usage of religion, Hindu candidates from Nationalist party, Bharathiya Janatha Party are openly saying that “we do not need Minority votes” where as the other party members from Congress, Janata Dal (secular), Samajwadi party, Bahujan Samaj Party, Communists and party originated from Muslim organisations which are termed as the "most secular among all" and can do whatever they can to protect Minority (even to the extent of appeasement) are going to temples for the blessings from Hindu Gods /Goddesses, performing sacrificing rituals (a highly recognised Hindu religious ceremony) called Homa and meeting religious community leaders from various Matas (a temple along with trust to help the needy for that community which always couples with various educational institutions, hospitals etc). I think that exactly gauges the sense of Indian youth at this stage, mainly the concern is security of Nation being targeted by terrorists, most of the time Muslim hardliners from abroad (mainly from Pakistan and Bangladesh) following ages old Shariya law in place of state law. That has pushed the youth towards separatism and more hate towards the Minority community which isn’t good for development of country like India where many faiths coexist. But, it is natural process in these scenarios that Right leaning intentions increase among the public to make sure the Government formed by ruling party takes the notice of that core issue and brings the policies to tackle the issues.
The Nationalist party is the only alternative currently in the Election-09 thinks the public at this stage although some part of this Nationalist party thinks in the line of protecting the Majority by punishing the Minority rather than working towards the welfare of Majority. What I mean is, Yes, there must be a party for looking at the welfare of Majority community, but in the name of welfare there must not be human rights violations of Minority and neither there must be a work towards taking the new generation into the ages of lost civilisation. And also, there must be a positive approach towards implementing the Uniform Civil Code across the country to make sure citizens never look at the fellow countrymen suspiciously i.e. this person receives more benefits from the government for being so and so religion & so and so caste. Another important point is about Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, although I would have liked to see a Ram Mandir in the disputed site being Hindu by myself, but it is not practical and pragmatic to come up with a temple as there was Mosque before, though it is currently destroyed and though it was built demolishing the temple by foreign Muslim invaders. Mainly because it is the age of forward thinker bloc not the age of sword where by terrorising you could do whatever you want which may be demolishing the Temple or Mosque. I would rather not waste time by working towards building a Temple which shall destroy the trust between fellow countrymen and increase the hate between different religions and caste. I did mention about Uniform Civil Code earlier; due to vastness and diversified nature of our great Mother India, we must have benefit system based on the economic condition of people as well as availability of opportunities for wellbeing not based on the religion, caste and tribes.
Right leaning appears among the public mainly when there is unrest, insecurity, corruption and economic downturn, oh yes, isn’t it the correct time then........ In some sense, no one could escape leaning towards Right as it is important for our highly inactive, highly incapable, highly pessimistic and lethargic Government like in India to come up with policies which makes public feel better in such circumstances. But, people of India must make sure and be careful that leaning towards Right should never change their sense of secularism, unity, peaceful coexistence, tolerance, nature of “live and let live”, not self-centred, policy/rule abider (i.e. Public must stop thinking that they could get away by not following the policy/rule when there is no Government official there to watch. Following policy is in the interest of general public as whole so an individual must unselfishly abide by that. If not, Government should not hesitate to use police/military rule at certain places to make sure there is generation secured which would never ever knew not following the policy). The sense of leaning towards Right must never exceed certain limit to the extent of imperialism, Fascism, Nazism and neither to the extent of religious fundamentalism which would definite as atomic bombs would destroy the liberal attitude of democracy including the right to vote in the Election.